Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Facing an Unrecognizable Earth

From my current understanding of environmental issues I would have to argue that global warming is the most pressing issue facing the Earth's population today. While dire consequences have been predicted, the truth is that the alteration of planet's long-standing weather patterns could yield unforeseeable results. The Earth's temperature record holds fairly consistent levels of dips and rises (excluding the ice age), such dramatic temperature increases have never been experienced and no one can be sure what damage they will bring, but we can be certain that it will be dramatic and most likely irreversible. However, by improving and implementing environmentally conscious regulations on businesses and governments and energy efficient technology the situation can be improved and the ensuing damages lessened.

The largest problems exist in the developed world. While awareness is being raised, many everyday people do not know how to help or are not willing to give up certain conveniences they have become accustomed to. Governments must stop making "commitments" and instead focus on binding agreements that could bring real results. Spreading environmental consciousness and taking national and world-wide action (especially in the western world) can help the problem of global warming and in the process of focusing on this major and looming issue other environmental problems will also be improved upon.

Without serious action on the Earth's climate problem we will end up in a world we do not recognize and may not be able to withstand or adjust too, that is why i believe that this is the most important environmental issue facing this generation.

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