Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Food...hmmm...great question because i know that i tend to be that person who always has something to say, always has an opinion no matter what the subject and even worse no matter if i know anything about it or not, and yet...i'm at a loss. I'm going to chose to blame this on circumstance, as lame as that might be, that circumstance being that i'm a student, and therefore always broke, do not drive, i live equidistant from a whole foods and a giant and thats about as far out as i have the time to travel between school and work. So no, i do think about health, my health to be exact, but not so much about the environmental impact i'm having. As much as i've argued for technology in class, i've learned from my father to stay away from genetially modified tomatoes because there not the same, so that means generally no tomatoes. I've learned from my mother to rant about individual packaging and what a waste it is and how it hurts the environment, so i suppose that thinking about the environment, but to be honest its more me thinking about my mother. I love going to markets around town in the summer, but more because the fruits and vegetables taste so much better and my mother also taught me to be far more afraid of pesticides than of bugs than because i'm trying to reduce my footprint. As far as what i eat, i'm horrible. I grew up in the restaurant business being taught that eating is an experience, i'd sooner cut off my own finger than stop eating meat (maybe a slight exaggeration), it would ruin the experience. I love to eat out and i love to try anything and everything, especially some crazy fish that should probably still be in the ocean and was probably flown hundreds of miles to get to my plate. I didn't realize what an effect drinking alchohal had on the environment til it added a whole lot to my footprint, (i'm still not sure why that is) but i love that too(in moderation of course) and aside from being drowned in wine from a young age i work in an irish bar, so if drinking hurts the environment, then i'm definitley a culprit. I'm fairly certain that this pathetic excuse for a blog post hasn't answered either question, but i hope it will suffice to show that i'm thinking, i just don't have any answers for this one....

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