Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cradle to Cradle

I agree with Montana that the beginning of Cradle to Cradle was frustrating. While it was a very effective summary of the environmental problems we have been learning about all semester, it was definitely a downer. The book got much more interesting very quickly. I was very interested when the authors challenged the traditional environmentalists and industrialists attempts at being environmentally friendly. I did like their view of learning from nature (ie. The cherry trees and the ants). I think they are going in the right direction. Drastic change is necessary to even begin solving the environmental problems we face; why shouldn’t the changes be exciting, fun, and innovative?

On a side note, the book's form is definitely a talking point. I had it on the coffee table, and I mentioned to a friend about the plastic involved in making it, which got her interested. She wants to borrow it after I'm done. I think the solutions that the authors propose, and the general idea that we should think outside traditional views, would be effective and many would be eager to adapt to them.

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