Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I have to say that as i was reading i started to get frustrated with all of the, 'you think you're doing something good, but surprise, you're not at all'. Everything started sounding so pointless and frustrating, but then....i got to the good part. I love these guys' ideas. The passion, imagination and intelligence that has so obviously gone into their thoughts and plans, is incredibly inspirational. Why aren't their more ideas like this out there?! then again, maybe their are, why is this stuff not taken more seriously?! I love how everything they talk about is moving forward. One of my biggest qualms with some environmentalists is that they seem to think the only way to "save the world" is to go backwards, way backwards. That's not only insane, unreasonable, it is such a cop-out. the 'backwardists', if you will, seem to have no faith in humans at all. There is no doubt that we are full of ingenuity, creativity, capability and adaptability, but these virtues have gotten stuck in the industrial system. I have to believe that humans can get through this, that we can move forward, and not by tearing down what we've built, but by moving on to something better, and this is the first book that I've been exposed to that present specific ideas that make this seem possible. One of my favorite sections was the one about how growth, just for the sake of growth, can be such a devastating concept. The idea of growth is going to be one of the biggest hurdles for change towards sustainability because it has become so ingrained as a basic value of individuals, communities, countries and the world.

One thing I would like to hear more about that i wasn't quite sold on, was the part about regulation. They seemed to say that regulations make it harder for some to compete and leave little time or resources for developing new ideas. I would venture that if we don't make being "bad" more expensive to companies, they will have little incentive to look for new ways to be "good". However, they just touched on the subject and i may have misunderstood, or my logic itself may be askew (although my logic is NEVER askew! :) )

Plus, gardens for roofs....AWESOME! My only question, do they have to be watered? who waters them?

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